“Life (ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.” ―Charaka

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Rushi InfoTech A BootStrap Start up

Launcing Ayurved Dairy. It is a Desktop Mobile Designed Application.

Comming soon in Mobile App Version

AyurVed is Life...! Life is Ayurved

Check out what you can do with this Application

Saraswat ,Shatarvadi Churn

Infomration about Usability, Features !

Sivakshar Pachak, Sitopladi Churn

Infomration about Usability, Features !

Talisadi, Trifala, Swadishta Virechan Churn

Infomration about Usability, Features !

Stop waiting.
Start building.

Let's Get Started!

Rushi InfoTech

A Innovative Bootstart up by : Rushikesh S. Banchhode, Swapnali Patil

Kasegaon, Tal: Islampur, Dist: Sangli, Maharashtra
email : rushikeshbanchhode@gmail.com